Want To Grow Your Business? Here Are Tips You Can Employ

In a recent interview at Click’s Funnel’s Funnel Hacking Live Conference, Alex Charfen, who is a business mogul, shared some of the tips that can add momentum to your business. Charfen has seen it all; from being bankrupt during the 2008 recession to building a company that produces revenue of more than $10 million per year. So, which are these vital hacks?

  • Reduce stress and pressure in your life

Charfen recommends that entrepreneurs should take care of themselves, for example, by hydration, meditation, nutrition, and also something he calls “daily momentum planning.”

He said that if you perceive your income is that of a multi-billion dollar athlete or celebrity, then you should treat yourself as one. He said that “If there is pressure and noise anywhere in life, it’s creating pressure and noise everywhere in life.”

  • Be polarizing and attract an authentic audience

Charfen said that although the United States has over 29 million businesses, a whopping 22 million fall under the range of $100,000 in revenue. He attributes this due to entrepreneurs’ habit of making their products to everyone in the country.

“If you walk to a room of 100 people, you should be able to identify the two or three that are your market. If you walk to a room of 100 people and you think to yourself, 80 people could buy my product; you are doing it wrong.”

  • Grow with your team

Charfen said that when one starts a business successfully, he/she gets entitled to running the company on their own. He even concurred with the belief that it becomes hard to ask for help from your team. He said that not having a team exposes you to all manner of eventualities, and what that means is that should you get hit, everything stops.

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/video/334635





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